Call Center Customer Satisfaction Survey
The call was answered quickly?

Econet call centre consultant was friendly

Econet call centre consultant was very helpful

Econet call centre consultant asked if there was anything else I needed to be assisted with

My query was resolved timeously

Econet whatsapp chatbot was helpful

How did you contact Econet for assistance?

Econet communicated well/clearly with me

My service above was available when and how I wanted it

On a scale of 1 to 5? Where 1 is strongly dissatisfied and 5 being extremely satisfied.
How would you rate your experience with Econet Call Centre?

On a scale of 1 to 5? Where 1 is strongly dissatisfied and 5 being extremely satisfied.
How would you rate the treatment that the Call Centre Agent gave you

On a scale of 1 to 5? Where 1 is strongly dissatisfied and 5 being extremely satisfied.
How would you rate your experience with Econet Call Centre?

On a scale of 1 to 5? Where 1 is not too easy and 5 is very easy.
4.1 How easy was it to get the service that you required from the call centre?

Were you satisfied with the service you got from the call centre?

Now, using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means you are extremely unlikely to recommend and 10 means you are extremely likely to recommend how likely or unlikely are you to recommend (Econet), to others?

Now, using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means you are extremely unlikely to recommend and 10 means you are extremely likely to recommend how likely or unlikely are you to recommend (Vodacom), to others?

Could you kindly explain why you have given a score of regarding your likelihood to recommend (Econet), to others?
Could you kindly explain why you have given a score of regarding your likelihood to recommend (Vodacom), to others?
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